Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Step 1 - Get some sun

That's pretty much what I've been doing the last few days. I've never been this pale. I walked along the Hudson River on Monday and Tuesday. Today I went down to the north end of Central Park. I sat on a hill overlooking the public pool up there. It was kind of nice to see the kids having so much fun.

I start my part time gig at The Container Store tonight. I'm actually looking forward to getting there, doing my thing for five hours, and then leaving, not to return until Sunday. It's hitting me today how nice it is to not be there full time anymore. I think I could get used to this kind of life. The party will be over soon enough though. Hopefully, in the end, Farrell will become an exceptionally highly paid lawyer, (do you hear that F? exceptionally highly paid!) and then I can continue the party indefinitely. Nuala and I will spend our time doing charity work.

1 comment:

Tony said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I will pop by regularly to keep tabs on you.

T x