Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Spring Semester

The spring semester has started already. It's pediatrics and labor/delivery. To say I have very little interest in it would be to overstate my interest in it. I am bored to tears already. Hours and hours of lecture already on child abuse. It made me want to find a random child to abuse. And sadly, we're being spoken to like 18 month olds by the instructor. She is nice enough, but I think she only knows how to speak to people like she's speaking to a child she's about to vaccinate.

So, I'm not too happy. In other news, well, I'll make a separate post about that when I have time.

And with regard to the claymation story, it seems to have stalled. What a shame. I think it had potential. And yes, in response to several inquiries, Bridget did actually make those out of this Crayola clay-like stuff (it's not clay, it's not Play-Doh, it's something very similar but also very different) on New Year's Eve in the time span of like 20 minutes.

Estoy cansado. Me voy a la cama. (I am learning Spanish. Figure it out on your own.)

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