Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Another Cock Update

My patient during clinical today was a 68 year old man who had surgery late last night for emergency removal of his recently implanted penile prosthetic. WHAT THE HELL IS IT WITH THESE OLD PEOPLE ENHANCING THEIR PENISES?? This is the second one I've dealt with. This time, sadly for Mr. P. (to protect his privacy), things went grossly awry. The implant caused an infection that became uncontrollable and he had to have it removed after having had it implanted just two weeks ago.

I don't think I want to be a nurse anymore. I want to be a librarian, or maybe a research assistant somewhere. Something that has no contact with bloody penises would be great. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

The images that your stories create are very disturbing.

Richard said...

Imagine being there first-hand.

Richard said...

And by the way, Bea, you're dead.

Richard said...

Or was that Z. Altman?

Anonymous said...

Mothers should not be exposed to this stuff.

Richard said...

Oh, please. You love it, mom.