Today was brain day in A&P lab. We dissected sheep brains so we could physically see the component brain structures that we’ve been learning about in Anatomy & Physiology lectures. The sheep brain is about the size of your fist. It was pretty cool. My brain was a bit damaged (Go figure!), so I wasn’t able to see all of the structures involved, but overall I think I would make a good surgeon. Maybe medical school and neurosurgery are next.
I’m not sure where the time went since the last update. School has been truly insane. So far, I’m doing pretty well. A&P requires the most time and I can literally clock 40-50 hours in preparing for a single exam. It is being taught on the doctoral level, and from what I’m hearing from classmates and my instructors, does not compare at all to your garden variety undergraduate A&P. In fact, several of my classmates have been let go from the program because they couldn’t keep up in this class. I really enjoy it, but it’s intense.
Clinical is going well. I had my first experience with patient vomit (or “womit”, as he said), yesterday. The bad news was that he (56-year-old practically blind diabetic cancer patient) threw up all over me; my arms, my hands, covered. This was after, mind you, I had just completed showering him. The good news is that I didn’t get sick in response. I had been worrying about what that first experience with puke was going to be like for me. It turned out fine. It wasn’t until 4 hours later that I started to get the dry heaves, while I was on my way home on the subway thinking about it. Gross. (Why am I doing this?)
I’ll leave you with that. More frequent updates are promised. Enjoy the pictures, and as always, you can click on them for the larger versions.
"Was that disgusting, or what?" - Nuala
Best post ever!!
Looks like one of Grandma's meals.
Suddenly my days seem so boring.
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