Friday, December 09, 2005

First big snow!

So nice to wake up to....especially on the day we'll be getting our Christmas tree!

Nuala wasn't too happy about it:


Nice_Moon:) said...

Hello, I am Chilean How are you?. Where are you from?. Your Blogger is very very nice and the photos are fantastic.
Good luck and I wait your answer. My e-mail is
Good Bye.

PD: I speak and write very little English but I make an effort.

bye, byeeeeeeeeee...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! UES looks swank too! So does midtown! Let's hope it either warms up tomorrow and melts away or we have light snow everyday to keep it purdy ...


Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo envious! It's the one drag about the CA weather - never a white Christmas :( Enjoy Richard, it looks lovely xx