What a week. Two huge exams, both of which were Anatomy & Physiology. The focuses were blood, the heart, blood vessels, and blood pathways through the body. I don't know if I just got lucky and these tests were made to be easier than I expected, but I think I did pretty well. I ended up with an A- on the first exam, but the grade on the second one isn't available yet. My gut tells me that I'm going to end up with an A- on that too. I just can't seem to break into A territory with A&P. (I finished last semester with an A- for the course, too!) We'll see
Last night was a lot of fun. A few of my friends from school and I went and had some drinks after class in Union Square. Ceci joined us a bit later on. And then Ceci, Amy, Buddy (Amy's boyfriend), and I went to see Aimee Mann in an acoustic show at Town Hall on 43rd Street. It was an incredible show. She has such a crystal clear angelic voice. Her sense of humor is terrific, too...very self-deprecating and dry. Huge talent. I think Ceci enjoyed herself, despite not really knowing Aimee or her music. After the show, the four of us went to Virgil's BBQ around the corner from Town Hall. The food sucked, but it was a really nice night, nonetheless. It was the first time I had met Amy's boyfriend, and it was great to get to know him.
Today would have been a great day to catch up on some reading and get a head start on some studying for upcoming exams, but of course I wasted more time than can ever be forgiven. I am a first-class procrastinator. (Thanks for that gene, Dad!) Well, I will have nothing to do tomorrow, since we're expecting a "big" snow storm tomorrow. I'm not going to hold my breath for that, though. I get my hopes up for snow and cold weather, and always end up chronically disappointed. I'm somewhat certain the storm will "take a turn" and we'll end up with 82 degrees and sunny skies with light winds from the north/northwest. :(:(:(